
Hello, It's me! Rodolfo Estevam

I am a Software Developer and currently a Systems Analysis student focused on mobile development in my third year at Ibratec College.

About Me

I am a motivated enthusiastic software developer born and raised in Brazil, Recife I enjoy mobile and web development, project management and just about any other area of tech. I am an avid self-learner who thrives in fast-paced, high impact environments, as well as when faced with challenges.

I've decided to become a developer in 2015 when I accomplished my MBA in Project Management at Devry and my first degree in Computer Networks.

I follow my passion with IT since 2010 where I would be able to perform in different areas os expertises through my career.

For more information about my career read my Linkedin profile.

Technical Skills


Java, Android, Ruby


HTML, CSS, SASS / JavaScript, MaterializeCSS / BootStrap


PHP, Ruby on Rails, Java


Agile, Scrum, Git, Subversion, Asana, Trello, Docker, gulp, Project Management, Material Design


Buscar Peças

Project Manager and Full Stack Developer

I Successfully met with clients and key stakeholders to design processes and gather requirements based on their necessities and planned use cases and software requirements along with the team.

As a Developer I help develop and analyze front-end and server-side development beside the team and working on maintenance of Buscar Peças products for automotive car parts.

Strategic Planning Meeting to set goals based on executive actions. Brainstormed the technical and workflow solutions with clients and the team in weekly planning meetings.

Responsible for the management communication plan, human resources and scope using PMBOK strategies.

Attended to Startup and Makers Campus Party Brazil 2017 for pitching the project.

Related Skills: Android, HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, Ajax, jQuery, MySQL, GIT, Bootstrap.

Intern Software Development

I worked as an intern on the specification of a part of the system's functionality, describing use cases and other supporting software requirements using Java technology where I was able to improve my skills with the GWT Web Framework and MySQL database.

Attended in strategic indicators presentation meeting.

Related Skills: Java Web, GWT, MySQL, JPA, SVN, PHPMantis

Cacti Tecnologia

Software Developer Volunteer

Analyze project activities using Java and Ruby on Rails for the development of project management Clinic and maintenance of the systems.

Proactively provided documentation to support program changes with PMBOK techniques. Brainstormed the technical and workflow solutions with clients and developers in weekly planning meetings. Scrum Methodology

Related Skills: Lif Desktop: Java, JavaFx, Hibernate, MySQL, Git. Lif Cloud: Ruby On Rails, PostgreSQL, Git, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap.


Ibratec - Instituto Brasileiro de Tecnologia

Degree expected December, 2018

Graduation in Analysis and Systems Development

Designing software solutions according to software engineering approaches and applications using the main programming languages.

Deploy the developed applications and adapt them to the computational system, according to the organizational context Acting in the management of software projects and management of information technology oo undertake businesses involving information technology. act ethically and in compliance with Brazilian legislation.

Devry | Fbv

Sept 2015 - Sept 2016

MBA in Project Management

The MBA in Project Management prepares students to work in organizations where their operations depend heavily on the organization of projects, such as engineering, maintenance, general industries, information technology, telecommunications, energy and petroleum, through the complete modules based on PMBOK in areas like:

Ibratec - Instituto Brasileiro de Tecnologia

Ago 2010 - Jan 2014

Network Computers

Design, deploy, manage and maintain data communications solutions and computational infrastructure for local and long-distance networks Configure the main network assets.

Establish, implement and monitor security policies acting in the management of information technology to undertake business involving information technology and act ethically and in compliance with Brazilian legislation.


Here you can find some of the projects I have worked on and how they came to be. You can also visit my GitHub to see more.

View Additional Projects and Code Experimentation on GitHub

What I am doing now?

Briefly, lately

Based in Recife, Brazil, I have decided in January that Android would be my main stack as a developer and ever since, I've been studying and pratcising on building some apps, Alura courses and some books have been helping me so far.


Goals of the year

I'm sharing this so you know my current creative priorities and interests are. Howerer, if you have a project, ideia or request that is in line with one of above, please get in touch! =)

Last updated: May, 2017.

This page was inspired by Derek Sivers and his Now page movement.

Get in touch

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